Corporate Social Responsibility Statement

Corporate Social Responsibility Statement

Hothorpe Hall (Venues) Limited provides wedding and event services from Hothorpe Hall and The Woodlands across the 12 acre Hothorpe estate.

Dignity at work

We are committed to providing a work environment free from bullying and harassment and where every individual is treated with dignity and respect.

We commit to support, protect, develop and grow our team, their working environment and benefits that are available to them.

The community

We recognise our responsibilities to our community. We value relationships we have already established with many organisations and businesses, both locally and nationally, and wish our relationships with them to grow stronger.

We are committed to supporting our village and wider local community, helping local industry to flourish and championing their successes. We have built strong relationships with local suppliers, so we can keep the food miles low and the quality high!

The environment

We commit wherever possible, to reduce our environmental impact and consider the implementation of green initiatives.

We are conscious of ensuring sustainability through recycling, as well as keeping the protection and encouragement of the flora and fauna of Hothorpe at the forefront of our operations.

We commit to ethical and environmental sourcing across all areas of the business, wherever it is possible and practical to do so. We are mindful of minimising pollution and promoting greener transport options where possible.

We actively encourage all staff to act in an environmentally friendly manner.